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We are live, launched and available for download!

Yes, it is really true. We are live!

Check us out here! We are proud to announce that you can now be among the first in Canada to access on-demand travel insurance, straight from your phone!

Some little known facts about Canadians travelling abroad:



  • Did you know that there are over 33 million uninsured cross border driving trips from Canada into the US every year?*
  • 44 % of Canadians aged 18-34 “rarely or never” purchased health insurance for travel to the U.S.***
  • The average cost of an emergency room visit south of the border costs about 40% more than a month’s rent.****

Basically what we are saying is, Canadians are not protecting themselves when they travel, and especially when they travel over our Southern border.

JAUNTIN’ wants to help change this, as we are powering our partner to offer on-demand travel insurance straight from your phone.

You’ll even get a reminder notification to turn your insurance on before you cross the border, and turn it off when you get home.

This quick, once and done registration and simple swipe on and off of insurance coverage is so easy to use, you’ll never think twice about getting travel insurance again. Price is as low as $0.13 an hour.

Download today, and get your insurance on-demand for your next afternoon trip across the border, or your next flight abroad.

*Conference Board of Canada – David Redekop_April 2013


Gig economy

